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The Philosophy of Meaning

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The Philosophy of Meaning Empty The Philosophy of Meaning

Post  Maybe Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:30 pm

Since the dawning of man, and more specifically, the individuation process between the Ego and the Self, we have searched both our external reality and internal experiences for the ‘Meaning of Meanings’; a single theory that includes all and explains everything.
A fairly old theory of everything was the Big Bang Theory, with its Particle Physics, and Quantum Mechanics, most of which were pioneered by Albert Einstein. This theory suggests that every single atom of energy – be it in matter, light, sound, or any other form or collection of energy – within our universe came from a single infinitely dense mass, which exploded sending everything flying through the vacuum of our Reality’s (or Dimension’s) space, and slowly began to search for balance within said space via the Law of Equilibrium.
Unfortunately though, as with all philosophy, this one possible answer gave way to a new slew of questions. Where did this infinitely dense mass come from? It must of come from another dimension or reality, so now we had a theory for the beginnings of our universe, but now we had to explain or decide whether or not there was inter-dimensional or inter-reality space.
In the 1970s a new theory was born called ‘Super String Theory’, or simply ‘String Theory’. This was more or less taking the Big Bang Theory and exploring beyond the infinitely dense mass. First, to properly explain String Theory, I must explain how energy fluctuates through space. Everything in our universe is energy. This includes solid matter, as solid matter is not solid. It is made up of millions of trillions of atoms which are individuals, even when they are bonded together. A possible way that we experience these matrixes of atoms as solid objects may be simply that we do not see our external realities with our eyes. We perceive it with our minds.
So, everything is simply groupings of atoms which we will call ‘Energy’. Now, the way that energy moves shouldn’t be too hard to grasp, as we have experienced radio, TV, and other wave technologies throughout our lives. Energy fluctuates through space in different frequencies and amplitudes of wave-lengths.
Now, String Theory just takes that idea – that all energies are just different kinds of wave-lengths - and tries to decide where all of these waves emanate from. The theory supposes that within inter-dimensional space there are these massive – larger than you could ever even begin to fathom – Super Strings that are the source of all energy waves, just as the strings of a guitar emanates sound waves when strummed.
But, as with every philosophical answer, it spawned ten times more questions. Now we have to deal with the space that contains the strings. Unfortunately, though, the cutting edge of this thread, after the ‘70s, began to dull and fade, until out of nowhere a new theory was born. And just as String Theory was not separate, but added to the Big Bang Theory, this new idea did the same to String Theory, it supplemented it. Because this theory was somewhat outlandish and required quite the imagination, the scientific community did not support it at first, and is still to this day warming up to the idea. Because of the prejudice the theory adopted such nicknames as ‘Magic Theory’ or ‘Made-up Theory’. But the real name was Membrane Theory, or just ‘M’ Theory.
‘M’ Theory explained the inter-dimensional space in which the Super Strings presided. It gets the name ‘Membrane’ because it supposes that there are 11 dimensions, only 3 or which we see, that both exist within our reality as well as outside of it. We share the dimensions with other realities just as atoms share electrons with each other to create bonds. This theory even believes that the Big Bang was borne from a collision between two dimensions or ‘Membranes’. There are actually scientists who are attempting to prove this in the lab. They are, in essence, trying to create space. The most fascinating thing about this project, though, is that if they succeed in actually creating space, the moment that the do so it will disappear and become its own dimension, and will begin to create its own space within its own dimension or reality.
So, how do we expect to take these philosophies, prove them, and turn them into science? Well, naturally, we must start with the first theory and work our way through in sequence. So how are we trying to prove Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and the Big Bang Theory? With the largest Particle Accelerator, of course!
The French funded CERN Particle Collider in Switzerland is attempting to recreate the conditions fractions of a second before the Big Bang. How they are doing this is by taking sub-atomic particles, in this case ‘Photons’, speeding them up to just under the speed of light, and colliding them together. CERN is performing this experiment far underground in a huge circular track of a super-conducting magnet which contain both photon streams as they spin around the track.
Recently however the accelerator was put on hold due to a damaged cooling system for the super conductor. The Project is invaluable to science, as it will either confirm our assumptions and theories about the manner of functioning within the universe, or it will set us back to square one. With the trend of philosophy, we should expect new questions to arise with each new answer, but hopefully the science will hold up and we will confirm Einstein’s notions as well as his followers’.
As far as my personal ideas on the subject, I believe in Perpetual Motion within energy, which in turn creates Perpetual Energy. I believe that the concept is fairly simple, as it only takes an understanding of how an atom more or less functions. And atom is made up of a nucleus, which is itself made up of protons – positively charged particles – and neutrons – neutrally charged particles – and is surrounded by an electron field which orbits the nucleus. (There is a phenomenon where electrons disappear and reappear, possibly traveling between dimensions, or realities – as you can not destroy energy, it can only change form. But that is another paper all together!) If you can visualize how an atom would look, I’m sure you can see how it is very much like a gyroscope in both its function and construction. Now, a gyroscope can sustain its own movement indefinitely. So the idea is that every atom in the universe is a macroscopic gyroscope sustaining its own movement. So, in turn, the energy created by the atoms is able to perpetuate its own movement. So: Perpetual Energy which experiences Perpetual Motion. It plays to the idea of a constant stream of energy flowing throughout space, inter-space, inter-dimensional space, inter-reality space, and all of the other spaces out there.
But, just as with every philosophy, there is a flaw that won’t let it become science. Even a gyroscope needs an event to start the motion which it sustains. In our universe that can be explained by the Big Bang, but in inter-dimensional space and the like I cannot at this time fathom any kind of hypothesis. Perhaps the inter-dimensional space which contain the 11 dimensions and whatever realities it holds are just themselves an atom within something much larger. Just as Earth is just one of many within a solar system, just as our sun is just one of literally countless stars, just as the stars are just part of multiple galaxies, just as – possibly – the Super Strings, all 11 dimensions, and every reality within our area of the energy stream is simply a part of a grander scheme. I do know, for a fact, the our universe alone is bigger than any human mind will even become close to thinking about fathoming. It really is just that big! But to attempt to even postulate a scale for EVERYTHING is illogical. I am content with that though. I am just happy that we are experiencing an event. Because, by the laws of cause and effect, if there isn’t an event, there is nothing. So…instead of nothing…there is everything.
The intricacies of the realm we live in constantly amaze and astound me. Mostly because of its most basic nature. Humans attempt to create beauty by putting things in sequence. For instance an organized apartment is usually seen as a nice or beautiful apartment. The environment around us is different than that. It is beauty and sequence from seeming chaos. I am very happy to have been privileged enough and lucky enough to simply be born. I am very happy that my Self emerged from the collective unconscious, and allowed my ego and individual personality to develop so that I could begin to attempt to understand the world around me. I will continue to search the questions of philosophy for an answer so that we may progress science. Thank you for reading my rant about my feeble theories of the fundamental nature of the universe and the laws which govern it.
Energy is everything. Energy is Constant/Infinite. So Energy must be God!

-Stephen Alexander

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Join date : 2008-10-11
Location : Denver, Colorado


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The Philosophy of Meaning Empty Since No One is Discussing, I Will Continue

Post  Maybe Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:37 am


Being as this topic is called the Philosophy of Meaning, we have to carry it further and try to adapt some theories for possible meanings to our personal existences, as we have already talked about some theories to why we are even here in the first place.

Now, to tackle the idea of personal meaning (as in a grand and singular purpose to your life as well as mine) we must dig into some psychology as well as Evolutionary Theory.

Okay, so first, where do human beings come from?

Well, the first life forms on this planet were single-celled organisms known as Bacteria. Bacteria is a very well-designed creature, as it is still around today and hasn't had to adapt itself too much.

But, from Bacteria certain mutations started occurring over time. These mutations weren't exactly random, but were simply the species attempting to adapt to a changing environment, in order to make its life as convenient as possible.

This same kind of trend continued for millions of years until there were multi-celled plants and animals. As the animals continued to evolve they soon developed a brain.

Creatures without a brain more or less function directly from instinctual urges that are stored as genetic codes within the DNA of the creature. But, with a brain a new phenomenon started to arise. These creatures were developing a sense of themselves.

These creatures had what we will call the 'Self', or the unconscious (instinctual urges most likely borne from genetic coding). But they also were developing something else. A personality, or an 'Ego'. Every creature with a brain goes through an 'Individuation' process in their infancy where the Self and Ego separate. This is when the creatures 'Ego', or personality, consciously acknowledges the Self. This phenomenon allows the creature, after going through the individuation process, to create a system of Behavior over its built-in system of Nature. (I'm sure you have all heard the terms Human Nature over Human Behavior). Behavior allows the Ego to discriminate between which unconscious urges the Self presents to the Ego. In other words, the Ego allows the creature to consciously decide which unconscious urges to act from. (ie - A person may be absolutely livid, but consciously chooses not to act off of said urge and maintains a calm appearance on the outside. If we didn't have a conscious Ego, we would act mad the moment we felt mad).

I believe that this is just another adaptation to a changing environment. I don't think that anyone will disagree when I say that our lives are much more convenient when we have the ability to choose how we act, rather than being led by the Self.

Okay. So, Human Beings are simply bacteria after millions and millions of years of mutations to better suit itself to its surroundings.

This view by itself destroys one sense of meaning: That of the Divine.

Dogmatic Religions teach that man is not part of the Earth, but that the Earth and our Universe were created as a sort of playground for the Divine beings (humans) which God specifically placed here. This is absolutely silly, and has become a misused coping mechanism, allowing people to destroy the Earth and its people in the name of God. Which is something that we will never meet, nor never prove. EVER.
Not that that doesn't make it true, it is just HIGHLY unlikely, and in my opinion is a very egotistical view of existence!

So, if Evolution is correct, we are not Divine creatures each with an individual purpose in life given to us by God.

So, what could our existences be all about?

In my personal opinion. Life has no meaning in itself!

By that I mean that we do not have a SINGULAR purpose in life which we are meant to complete.
I believe that we each have the ability to do ANYTHING (Mans Reach Exceeds His Grasp), it it is completely up to US to decide our purpose.

Also, it is improbable that there is a SINGULAR meaning to anyone's life!

A good example is this:

Think of one-thousand objects. 60% of the objects are Blue, and 40% of the objects are Pink.
Now, just because more than half the objects are Blue, does not mean that the entirety of the objects is Blue!
Just as some situations in life have meaning, others do not - even though majority of the situations do have meaning - does not mean that the entirety of your life has meaning!

So, as I said: It is up to us, individually, to create meaning within our lives...because to be honest...they don't have meaning.

We only have an Ego (personality) because our ancestral creatures were put into a situation where their survival was dependent on intelligence.

If the world we live in was more convenient, bacteria may never have needed to mutate and evolve to keep up with the changing World.

So, stop trying to look for a singular meaning to your life let alone to human existence. There isn't one!

Instead attempt to be grateful that you have a Ego which is able to examine your Self from the inside out and outside in. Just be grateful that you are alive!

And if you MUST have meaning in your life to be content, then find solace in the fact that life is about social experiences. Not every experience will have meaning, but most will...and that should be enough for any logical person!

~Discuss! tongue

Posts : 31
Join date : 2008-10-11
Location : Denver, Colorado


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